
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Mighty to Save

We were down on money.  In fact, Annie and I looked at the checkbook and calculated that we didn't have enough for bills or food.  Within the last month, we had spent $2600.00 on repairs for both cars.  We started to pray.  But I was worried.  I didn't want to dip into credit and have more to pay with principle and interest.

I was reading my favorite blogs one day, and came across one by +Kimberly Medina  on "Prayers Answered Through Forgiveness". She had sought the Lord when she had car trouble and, after lifting it up to God, someone agreed to fix her car from free.  I was so moved by her faith that I took it to the Lord again, but trusting that He would provide.  In the process, God showed me what I already had and how I could use it.  I had 2000 comic books sitting in boxes on shelves in the garage collecting dust.  After a call to the local comic book store, I took twelve boxes down to be reviewed.  The owner spent an hour plowing through them and ended up giving me money for one box.  It was enough to cover us through the week.  God rescued us, just like He had so many times.

I look back on what Jesus said on the Sermon on the Mount.  "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will come unto you."  Those other things he spoke about are our clothing, our food and shelter.  They make up some of our worries.  But a lot of our worries don't originate from the possession of material things.  If we were honest about it, we'd realize that many of our problems are a result of our own doing.  We put our own priorities before those of our loved ones.  Commitments take the place of love.  Time is spent selfishly rather than on the needs of our children.  We seek to build our own kingdom.  And God becomes a catch phrase.  When that happens, we don't know God's peace or love.  God gave us life so that we would live it to the fullest.  And having material possessions,  rising within the company, or gaining the applause of others doesn't seem to bring peace and love to my heart.  There's only one who can do that and that's God.

And He has provided for that peace and love.  One day at a place called Calvary, a carpenter-preacher gave his life so that you could know life.  Jesus died for your sins on the cross so that you could enter into a wonderful relationship with God.  Three days later, he rose from the grave.  Eternal life begins here and now by believing in Jesus.  And that life isn't made up of bills, mortgages, and computers.  It's made up of experiencing the love of God and loving our friends, family, neighbors and even our enemies.  Our focus shouldn't be on "getting by" or building up our own kingdom, but on experiencing God's love.

If you feel like life is confusing, or you're just not "getting by", maybe it's time to turn your focus onto God. He moved heaven and earth so that you could know Him and His love.  We still have bills to pay and cars that need fixing, but we don't need to worry.  Turn away from your own kingdom, and seek God and His kingdom and His righteousness, and God will take care of the rest.  He is mighty to save.


  1. Jim, It is amazing what God can do for us if we just give Him the chance and have faith in all circumstances. He doesn't promise us freedom from problems but a renewed strength, peace and joy beyond anything you have ever experienced on your own. Praise God!

  2. Last week, God spoke to me through Psalm 145. "The LORD is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. The LORD is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works...The LORD upholds all who fall and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look expectantly to You, and You give their food in due season. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing." But you're takes faith. He does give strength to those who trust in Him.
